Zeko data availability contracts

Zeko's Modular Data Availability Layer

A critical component of any rollup system is the data availability layer. This layer is responsible for storing all the transaction data that occurs on the rollup. Here's a breakdown of the DAL's role and its unique implementation within Zeko:

What is a Data Availability Layer?

Imagine a rollup as a busy highway where transactions zip by. The main chain (Layer 1) can only handle a limited number of transactions, so rollups take the overflow and process them efficiently. But for the system to be secure, everyone needs access to this transaction data. That's where the DAL comes in. It acts as a giant archive, storing all the rollup's transaction data and making it readily available for anyone to verify.

Why is a DA-layer Important for Rollups?

There are two main reasons:

  1. Security: With the transaction data publicly available, anyone can check if the rollup is processing transactions correctly. This helps prevent fraud and ensures the integrity of the system.
  2. Decentralization: By not relying solely on the main chain for data storage, rollups become more decentralized. This means they are less susceptible to censorship or downtime.

What could happen without DA-layer?

Imagine a world where Zeko, or any rollup system, lacked a data availability layer. In case the adverse sequencer would not share a batch of transactions, it would be impossible to reconstruct the rollup's state. Without up-to-date state there is no way to apply new transactions.

Zeko's Modular Approach to the DA

Unlike some other rollups, Zeko takes a modular approach to the DA. This means that the DA layer is a separate component that can be swapped out for different solutions. This offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: Developers can choose a DA-layer that best suits their specific needs. For example, they might prioritize cost-effectiveness, high security, or specific functionalities.
  • Customization: Zeko allows developers to build their own custom DA-layer solutions, providing ultimate control and tailoring to their application's unique requirements.
  • Future-Proofing: Zeko is actively exploring integration with solutions like Celestia, a dedicated data availability network. This integration will offer developers access to cutting-edge advancements in the field.

In essence, Zeko's modular DA-layer empowers developers with unparalleled flexibility and control over how their rollup stores and verifies its crucial transaction data.

Zeko data availability contracts

Zeko currently uses temporary DA-layer, an fork of EVM chain ethermint with instant finality consensus. For more information you can read the white paper (opens in a new tab).


npm install
npm run compile

To install geth with mina precompiles:

git clone git@github.com:dcSpark/go-ethereum.git
cd go-ethereum
git checkout release/1.10-mina
make geth
export PATH="$PWD/build/bin:$PATH"

Deploy of data availability contract

npm run geth:start
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network dev


npm run compile
npm run test